Saturday, 19 August 2017

Best Class Award!

Kereru 3 are the Best Class for Week 4!

We won best class in the whole school assembly this week! 
Next assembly we get to sit on the special chairs and choose another class who will get the guitar trophy... 

We're so excited that we are the first junior school class to win the rockin' guitar!

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Kids Can - Crazy Mufti Day

Last week Friday we had a crazy mufti day at school! Everyone had to come dressed up in crazy clothes and have crazy hair! 

Some people had their clothes on the wrong way. Some had super crazy hair with glitter and colourful paint. Some even had different types of shoes!

Our class had such crazy looking kids!! 

Attendance Award!

Kereru 3 came in third place for attendance week 2!

Great job to all the kids who have been coming to school everyday! It is important that everyone comes to school so that we can do lots of learning and have fun!

Next time hopefully we can win the trophy with the most attendance!

This is us with our bronze medal